The Humanitarian Organization "Charity" is a charitable religious Christian association, whose main purpose is originating and implementing organized charitable activity and Christian evangelic love among people, with registered seat in the capital of the Republic of Macedonia - Skopje. "Charity" has been founded in 1995 and it operates within the Macedonian Orthodox Church.
Chairman of the Humanitarian Organization "Charity" is Mr. Kiril, Metropolitan of Polog and Kumanovo Region.
The registered seat of the H.O."Charity" is within the premises of the Macedonian Archbishopric, located at 12 Partizanski odredi str., Skopje.
The H.O."Charity" is a public legal person acting in the church and secular area. It is organized on central and local level and has its organs and bodies. It has its own eparchy and other regional units on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, as well as in the eparchies of the Macedonian Orthodox Church in the diaspora - USA, Canada, Australia and in several countries in Europe.
The H.O."Charity" takes care of the following works:
- helps old and sick people;
- helps poor people;
- helps orphans and children without parents;
- helps invalids, abandoned and homeless persons;
- helps in events of sufferings and distresses;
- Brings the humanitarians activity closer to the public and trains humanitarian workers.
- Widows
- soup kitchen
The management and the organization of the activities of the H.O."Charity" within the Macedonian Orthodox Church are performed centrally and are carried out locally in accordance with the number of eparchies in the Macedonian Orthodox Church.
H.O."Charity" has ten regional units, having registered offices mainly in the eparchy centers: Kumanovo, Tetovo, Strumica, Bitola, Stip, Veles, Ohrid.
H.O."Charity" has oriented its social activity toward opening church-public kitchens, where hot meal is served to the very poor people in the country. Such kitchens exist in two churches in Skopje, with a tendency to extend them and to open new ones in the regional centre.
Persons to contact:
Program manager
Jovica Nakic
Tel/Fax: 00389 (0)23 230 685
Person for international contact
Dejan Strackovski
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