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Childhood is a special time in one’s life. A time of discovery, play, wonder, and amusement at the world as the child gets the know the world around them. For the parents, this time can bring about a sense of worry, as they seek to ensure the child’s health and raise them to be happier.

Of course, life happens – to both the child and the parents – which can affect one’s childhood years. Regardless of circumstance, the child’s happiness almost always comes first to those who love them.

Here, we combine scientific research and childhood happiness. More specifically, we’re going to look at 10 scientifically proven tips to help ensure a happy and healthy childhood.

Whether you’re a parent, want-to-be parent, or someone who just loves kids, we hope that what you read below will provide some great insight into making for a healthier and happier child.
Here are 10 (scientifically proven!) tips to make the little one happier:

    “One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.” – Agatha Christie

1. Give Them Plenty of Play Time

good kids



The primary responsibility of a kid is – or at least, should be – to play.  Yes, the kid will eventually have homework, extracurricular stuff, and so on; but from toddler to adolescence, they should be given the freedom just to have fun.

Peter Gray, a child psychologist, and a professor at Boston College, states “Children learn the most important lessons in life from other children, not from adults…they cannot learn, or are much are much less likely to learn, in interactions with adults.”

So, tell them to “go outside and play!”

2. Take Argument and Heavy Discussions Elsewhere

Kid’s brains develop at an extraordinary rate during early childhood. When they see and hear about adult-like problems, and uncertainties, the child’s delicate psychological state can be negatively affected; potentially making them worried and insecure.

Children should not hear stressful conversations from adults – it is most definitely not the time.
3. Don’t Compare Them To Others–They Will Be Happier

The pressure to succeed in today’s society can make it enticing to instill an early sense of competitiveness – and some adults do so by comparing them to someone else. Sometimes, adults will also point out desirable personality traits in another child, hoping to duplicate them in the other.

Researchers say that such comparative tendencies can adversely affect a child’s confidence and sense of self.
4. Teach The Benefits Of Negative Emotions

Pointing out the obvious – a child is not very mature. Almost every kid will have spontaneous outbursts of anger, envy, sadness, etc. This behavior presents a good learning opportunity for the adult.

Dr. John Gottman at the University of Washington cites the popular tendency of adults to address a child’s perceived “misbehavior” – their negative emotions – by doling out some punishment. A better way is to acknowledge the behavior is by teaching the child that everyone experiences negative emotions, and finding ways to teaching the child how to deal with their emotions constructively.


Childhood is a special time in one’s life. A time of discovery, play, wonder, and amusement at the world as the child gets the know the world around them. For the parents, this time can bring about a sense of worry, as they seek to ensure the child’s health and raise them to be happier.

Of course, life happens – to both the child and the parents – which can affect one’s childhood years. Regardless of circumstance, the child’s happiness almost always comes first to those who love them.

Here, we combine scientific research and childhood happiness. More specifically, we’re going to look at 10 scientifically proven tips to help ensure a happy and healthy childhood.

Whether you’re a parent, want-to-be parent, or someone who just loves kids, we hope that what you read below will provide some great insight into making for a healthier and happier child.
Here are 10 (scientifically proven!) tips to make the little one happier:

    “One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.” – Agatha Christie

1. Give Them Plenty of Play Time

good kids



The primary responsibility of a kid is – or at least, should be – to play.  Yes, the kid will eventually have homework, extracurricular stuff, and so on; but from toddler to adolescence, they should be given the freedom just to have fun.

Peter Gray, a child psychologist, and a professor at Boston College, states “Children learn the most important lessons in life from other children, not from adults…they cannot learn, or are much are much less likely to learn, in interactions with adults.”

So, tell them to “go outside and play!”

2. Take Argument and Heavy Discussions Elsewhere

Kid’s brains develop at an extraordinary rate during early childhood. When they see and hear about adult-like problems, and uncertainties, the child’s delicate psychological state can be negatively affected; potentially making them worried and insecure.

Children should not hear stressful conversations from adults – it is most definitely not the time.
3. Don’t Compare Them To Others–They Will Be Happier

The pressure to succeed in today’s society can make it enticing to instill an early sense of competitiveness – and some adults do so by comparing them to someone else. Sometimes, adults will also point out desirable personality traits in another child, hoping to duplicate them in the other.

Researchers say that such comparative tendencies can adversely affect a child’s confidence and sense of self.
4. Teach The Benefits Of Negative Emotions

Pointing out the obvious – a child is not very mature. Almost every kid will have spontaneous outbursts of anger, envy, sadness, etc. This behavior presents a good learning opportunity for the adult.

Dr. John Gottman at the University of Washington cites the popular tendency of adults to address a child’s perceived “misbehavior” – their negative emotions – by doling out some punishment. A better way is to acknowledge the behavior is by teaching the child that everyone experiences negative emotions, and finding ways to teaching the child how to deal with their emotions constructively.







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03/03/2025 - понеделник

Велигденски пости;
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