
This is a picture that ripped my heart out.
It is called "New Year's Eve".
           It was painted by Sergey Andriyaka - a Russian artist dedicated to watercolor painting, Rector of the Academy of Watercolors and Fine Arts.
Very sad but at the same time... an incredibly moving picture. Depicts an elderly woman celebrating New Year's Eve, but not in a warm, decorated and cozy apartment, not in front of a lavish, calorie-filled and festive meal, but among the tombstones, there, in a dark and cold cemetery.
          How does this even happen? Why?
Artist Sergei Andriyaka decided to paint the unusual canvas after hearing the story of a woman. He gets on the bus after returning from his father's grave. And there on the bus, in the seat next to him, an elderly lady shares that she had buried her only daughter... then she is left all alone.
Every year since then, she has spent New Year's Eve at this place. All by myself. Together with my daughter, memories and ... along with two lit candles.
           Dear, sensitive people, let's meditate on the mystery of gratitude.
Let's quietly give thanks for all that we have, for every breath of air, for our wounds, for the difficult moments, for having us... that we walk on this earth... that we can feel the snowflakes falling from the sky and melting on our eyelashes....
Let us give thanks for all that, terrible and painful, was spared.
The spirit of thanksgiving leads one to humility, to awareness... to a prayer ... and love ...
Lets give her LOVE now.
Because tomorrow ... it was never guaranteed...
and because we all are ... so suddenly mortal...
Let's give thanks for all that has been saved to us.
Let us pray ...