Dear friends,


With great delight, we inform you that our team already works on preparation of the 29 International Cinematographers’ Film Festival “Manaki Brothers” that will be held 27 September to 4 October 2008. Trough the last several years, the Festival marked considerable growth and gained higher reputation worldwide. As we always tend towards its further improvement, this appeared as the right time to give a new shape to the Festival.


29 ICFF “Manaki Brothers” will present a richer, more varied festival program so we decided to prolong the duration and to add two more days of festival. Another novelty this year is that, for the first time, it will take place at several locations in two cities in the Republic of Macedonia: Skopje and Bitola.


The main goal of the Festival to celebrate the work of the Cinematographer stays the same. The Official Program CAMERA 300 will include the Official Competition of the most recent long feature films with original visual aspect. The cinematographers of these films contend for the Golden, Silver and Bronze CAMERA 300. From this year on, CAMERA 300 will show Out of Competition section that will screen a selection of the best of the newest world film production.

The festival program will present the Short Film Program and the Student Program Manaki Brothers, and will launch the Documentary Program, which will give place to the more and more attractive world documentary production.


We invite you to visit the official web site of the 29 International Cinematographers’ Film Festival “Manaki Brothers” :


The Festival Team