Во Конгресниот центар во Охрид во периодот меѓу 15. и 22. август 2016 ќе се одржи Меѓународната летна школа на тема “Locality and Cross-Border Exchange in the Middle Ages”

во организација на Православниот богословски факултет „Свети Климент Охридски“ – Скопје


меѓународната академска мрежа “European Graduate School for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy” (EGSAMP).

Работните сесии на Школата се со отворен карактер.

Програма на работните сесии:

Tuesday, 16.08.2016

09:30 Official Opening of the Summer School

10:15 First session (lecture + discussion = 35 minutes)
- Andreas Speer (Cologne), “Connecting Places – Connecting Ideas”
- Smilen Markov (Sofia), “Who is the Muslim God? Two tendencies in the Byzantine anti-Islamic polemics of the 9th Century”
11:25-12:00 Break
12:00-13:10 Second session
- Giovanni La Sorella (Lecce), “Melissus of Samus: a forgotten philosopher?”
- Antonio Punzi (Cologne/Lecce), “Thomas of York’s method. An analysis of Comparatio 1”

15:00-16:10 Third session
- Svetoslav Ribolov (Sofia), “Discussion on Christ's Humanity in the 4th Century”
- Božin Trpevski (Skopje), “Saint Maximus's Theology on Genesis of the Eucharistic Being – an Act of Transcending the Ontological Boundaries”
16:10-16:30 Break
16:30-17:40 Fourth session
- Sara Ciancioso (Lecce), “The medieval market between the Rhine and the Mediterranean. New findings on Ulrich of Strasbourg’s De summo bono and its fortune”
- Viktor Ilievski (Skopje), The Topos of Evil: Dissenting Platonists and Plato’s Middle Way

Wednesday, 17.08.2016

09:00-10:10 Fifth session
- Francesca Bonini (Cologne/Lecce), “Against Thomas' adversaries: William of Peter of Godin defending the doctrines of Aquinas”
- Eleonora Andriani (Cologne/Lecce), “The Prologue to the Liber Introductorius of Michael Scot: new perspectives”
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-11:40 Sixth session
- Federica Ventola (Lecce), “God’s foreknowledge, omnipotence and providence in Durandus of Saint-Pourçain’s Sentences Commentary”
- Simeon Mladenov (Sofia), “The Definition of Human Nature According to the Texts of Anselm of Canterbury”

15:00-16:10 Seventh session
- Evelina Miteva (Cologne), “Climata et temperamenta: The Human between Universal Nature and Local Conditions in the Anthropology of Albert the Great”
- Mario Liconsole (Lecce), “Albert the Great on alchemy: the third book of the De mineralibus
16:10-16:30 Break
16:30-17:40 Eighth session
- Lars Reuke (Cologne), “Human, Animal and Plant Soul. Boundaries in Albert the Great’s Natural Philosophy”
- Marilena Panarelli (Lecce), “The Concept of humidum radicale as Instrument to Investigate Nature: from Ancient Greece to Albert the Great”

Thursday, 18.08.2016

The following sessions are to be held in the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ohrid
09:00-10:10 Ninth session
- Mikail Khorkov (Moscow), „Zu Heinrich Seuses Autorschaft des Minnebüchleins im Lichte der lateinischen Version dieses Werkes”
- Diana Di Segni (Cologne), “Dialoguing with the Other. For a history of the dialogue among religions in the Middle Ages”
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-11:40 Tenth session
- Mikonja Knežević (Kosovska Mitrovica), “The Diffusion of Hesychastic Ideas in Medieval Serbia: The Case of Nikon of Jerusalem”
- Risto Solunčev (Skopje), “Ontology of Time as a Deconstruction of the Space in Byzantine Music”

Friday, 19.08.2016

09:00-10:10 Eleventh Session
- Arina Simonian (Moscow), „Philosophisch-theologische Aspekte der Seelenlehre in dem mystischen Traktat ‚Über die Messe und ihre Wirkungen in der minnenden Seele‘“
- Stefan Cvetanovski (Skopje), “The question of Divine right: Soteriology according to Anselm of Canterbury”
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-11:40 Twelfth Session
- Slava Yanakieva (Sofia), “Representational Theology of Exorcism and Co-inherence in Digby Mary Magdalene and Elsewhere“
- Giorgos Karasarlidis (Skopje), “The Neoplatonical Profile of Justinian I – Overview and Perspecitives of the Philosopher King”

15:00-16:10 Thirteenth Session
- Illya Bey (Kiev), “The Byzantine Cosmological Views and Their Reception in Slavia orthodoxa”
- Kirče Trajanov (Skopje), “The Iconoclastic Theology between Christology and Dualism”
16:10-16:30 Break
16:30-17:35 Fourteenth Session
- Ivan Dodovski (Skopje), “From Catachresis to Perichoresis: Reconsidering the Intercultural Relations in the Balkans”
- Marija Manasievska (Skopje), “The ‘Alexiad’ by Anna Komnene - translation, linguistic and literary analysis of the work”

Saturday, 20.08.2016

09:00-10:10 Fifteenth Session
- Kalin Yanakiev (Sofia), Two Aeons Doctrine and Its Ecclesial Perception According to the Byzantine Church Fathers (IV-VIII cent.)
- Georgi Kapriev (Sofia), „Das Ost-West-Netz und seine virtuelle Bibliothek. Ein Fall: Hugo Eterianus und die Synode in Konstantinopel von 1166“